
A simple, yet very powerful system for making physical shops using signs and chests.


Place a chest on the ground

Place a sign 1 block away from the chest (for example, above it)

On the sign, write:

Sign Layout:Comments:

Leave the first line empty. It will be automatically filled with your name by the plugin.

The second line is the amount of items to buy or sell

The third line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You need to have a price indicator (like 'B' - a price that will apply to items BOUGHT by PLAYERS - or 'S' - the SELL price) near the price - a colon separates the prices (:)

Some of the possible price combinations: "B 5:5 S", "B 5", "S free"

The fourth line will hold the id/name of the item. Write ? on the sign and the item will be auto-filled with the one from the chest or you can click on the sign with the item afterwards. (Optionally you can put the actual name on it. You can find out the name of the item you're holding by doing /iteminfo)

Resulting Shop:


  • /cstoggle - Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages

  • /iteminfo - Get information about the item in your hand

  • /shopinfo - Get information about the looked-at shop

Last updated